Moda Fabrics presents Sugarcreek Silky Woven designed by Corey Yoder. This woven, 100% silky cotton fabric has all your favorite shades of spring combined with simple, elegant designs.
From the designer:
“Full of warm florals, dots, and stripes, this collection builds on my signature color palette—sunny shades of coral, pink, yellow, blue, green, and of course, grey. My childhood home was just down the road from the Sugar Creek, the namesake for the village of Sugarcreek, Ohio. It’s a small town and one where many conversations begin with “Now, who are your mom and dad?”, or “Aren’t so-and-so your grandparents?” “Where did you say you went to church?” was another common question. It’s the kind of place where the vegetable gardens are big, the farms are even bigger, and the hearts are the biggest of all.”
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